Ocidentul este extrem de ingrijorat de situatia exploziva din Romania.
Sunt jurnalist de investigatie. Toate rapoartele confidentiale ale analistilor considera in jurul Craciunului izbucnira unei revolte populare extrem de periculoase si greu de controlat. Pentru a dezamorsa situatia si a creia este nevoie de o actiune rapida care sa duca la demisie de buna voie, sau invers, a Presedintelui Basescu. Iata cateva rapoarte raport al serviciului american care face parte din presiunea care incepe sa devina extrem de puternica si care urmareate schimbarea regimului.
Romania's interior minister has resigned, after police rallied against the government's harshest austerity measures in years. The opposition is now demanding the resignation of the entire government, which introduced steep wage cuts to help the country overcome an economic crisis.
Romania's Interior Minister Vasile Blaga announced his resignation after 6,000 police angry over a 25 percent wage cut marched to the presidential palace.
Witnesses said police pelted the palace with eggs, with some shouting, "Get out, you miserable dog!"
The president can expect more obstacles on the road, as further protests are planned against government austerity measures, which include sharp wage cuts for public workers and tax hikes to fight the budget deficit.
President Basescu's government has been unable to pay wages and pensions without a $26-billion bailout loan from the International Monetary Fund and other lenders. But in exchange for the deal, the IMF demands strong action to reduce Romania's debt.
In 2009, Romania's economy shrank by more than seven percent and the government needs support from the IMF, the European Union and the World Bank, partly to pay state wages and pensions.
Most macroeconomic indicators keep worsening and people are increasingly dissatisfied with their slumping living standard. Indeed, the rising poverty or attempts for marginalising of democracy could cause the civil society to eventually rebel against its rulers. Rebellion because of poverty would express a primal struggle for survival; revolt against rulers would demonstrate a political maturity seen in Bulgaria in 1997, in Hungary in 2006, and even in Moldova, in 2009. Unfortunately, an uprising seems the only workable scenario for Romania today.
Robert Horvath Deva http://devanewyork.blogspot.com/