Discontent with the present situation in Romania is becoming ever more apparent. The Government are facing criticisms from all sides, not least from Romanian society
Este evident că situaţia din Bucureşti se află pe o muchie de cutit. Istoria a arătat că unitatea între diferitele forţe într-o societate poate duce la schimbări politice dramatice. România ultima experimentat astfel de presiuni sociale în 1989, când prăbuşirea regimului Ceauşescu a fost facilitată de dorinţa populaţiei de schimbare. Foarte aproape de acest nivel, proteste la Bucuresti ar putea submina legitimitatea actualului guvern. Intrebare la ordinea zilei : BASESCU VA AVEA SOARTA LUI CEAUSESCU ?
Romania continues to be one of the poorest countries in the EU. The international crisis causes a rapid worsening of conditions. The Romanian political elite concentrate, above all, on more centralisation of power. A weak civil society desperately struggles to be heard
Chaos and a feeling of impending catastrophe characterise Romania’s current political and social situation. The global crisis has brought the worst times for Romanians since the dark days following the 1989 Revolution, when resources were scarce and a fearful, uncertain people, desperate for leadership, saw a new political elite emerge.
The economic recession that began in late 2008 evokes memories of the late 1990s. Today, continuing layoffs result in rapidly growing unemployment. Around a million people (or 10% of the labour force) are currently without a job.
Meanwhile, massive and persistently organised strikes attempt to protect decreasing salaries. In contrast to the empty shops of the early 1990s, the shelves are now full of goods; but this brings little comfort, because few people can afford anything. Inflation remains almost inexplicably high at over 4%.
Many believe these conditions could cause an “explosion of the mamaliga”, an allusion to the traditional Romanian dish polenta, left boiling too long on fire, meaning a nationwide uprising of the people pushed to the limit of survival.
According to critics, Băsescu’s authoritarian populism will eventually become obvious and be a two-edged weapon for Romania’s president.
Indeed, the rising poverty or attempts for marginalising of democracy could cause the civil society to eventually rebel against its rulers.
Romania deals with a high-probability of social revolt in response to the economic crisis, British thinktank Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) warned in a report.
România, a cărei ruptură cu comunismul a fost cea mai violentă din Europa de Est, cu excepţia fostele republici iugoslave, a cunoscut episoade de revolte politice violente în anii 1990, cu focare de conflicte interetnice, demonstraţii violente în capitală şi proteste sindicale, inclusiv blocade puternic de drumuri şi căi ferate. nelinişte publică a fost cel mai notabil în perioadele de scădere a producţiei economice în 1990-1992 şi 1996-1999 ". ISTORIA SE REPETA se arata in raport.
Se pare ca singurul scenariu pentru Romania este o noua revolta.
si foarte probabil Basescu va avea soarta lui Ceausescu.
Robert Horvath Deva
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